in middle of sentence) Ho. That I want to share. And specifically
to a couple of individuals that the Lord said to share with
and , it’s a little scary for people sometimes when they
get something from the Lord from somebody who’s, from
people they don’t know. (Holy Ghost laughter).
Unless. I kept getting the name, or word, ‘forsaken’.
Feeling forsaken. And, uh, I said, “Well, Lord, I know
a lot of times people feel like they’re forsaken.”
But, the Lord wants you to know, you’ve never been forsaken.
You’ve never been left alone. Katherine. That He’s
always been there with you and He’s always encouraged
you. But those thoughts have come, especially this time of year
you need to cast them down, every thought that comes against
the knowledge of God. Take it into captivity. And don’t
allow it have any power over you. Because when we let thoughts
have power over us, that’s when we get in trouble. Amen?
You too. You’re never forsaken. You’re never left
alone. No matter what the world does or how it sets us apart
or how it tries to hold us away, we’re never forsaken.
Ever. There will always be, and the Lord is working to create
in the lives of individuals, the opportunity for relationships
so that that thing can’t have power over them. Do you
understand? The devil tries to take power over us by putting
us like we’re set off, like nobody cares, nobody understands,
nobody is concerned, but that’s not true. And what it
does is he tries to take us and move us away so that we separate
ourselves from every opportunity for the Lord to bring us into
family. He wants us in family. God created a family on the face
of the earth. That was His intent. He started out with one male,
one female to create a family. Unfortunately, it didn’t
work out that way real well. But when Christ came, He restored
that entire vision to us. Jesus came to restore the Church,
which is the family of God. So God’s gone through an awful
lot to bring us together as a group of people in a local expression
of Jesus Christ or as a church around the world when we come
together, and will, soon at His appearing. We’ll come
together and be in His presence with one another, family together,
understanding that even all those times when we thought we were
forsaken, we weren’t. There’s a cloud of witnesses
in heaven that are declaring to you, you’re not forsaken.
They still see. They still understand. They still cry out. They
still know that God’s for you, not against you. Amen?
Praise the Lord. Anybody else that that fits, grab it and pull
it into you. Isn’t God good?