the Lord. I had spent some time meditating over the last few
days just on some prophetic words that we’ve received
in the past six months, and uh, I really sense the Spirit of
about a month ago, six weeks ago maybe, I shared on a Wednesday
night and then maybe on a Sunday morning I’m not positive,
that I had been online with International prayer that we do
on Wednesdays and a Bishop who’s a friend of ours who’s
spoken into Patty and I’s life a lot had a Word for our
church that we were coming into a time of great difficulty.
That the adversary was going to send an angel of division and
deception like we’d never seen before and I thought we’d
experienced, (laughter), some pretty hefty deception at times,
up to that time. But, this week as I was meditating the Lord
brought that back to my remembrance.
also reminded me that He was sending a Warrior Angel into the
church to help fight that thing off. But He said, some would
fall prey to that and it would be difficult for them, but the
primary source of the attack that would come against us in the
days that are ahead, so He’s speaking of from now, would
be in this group and would be in the body itself against ‘PRAISE’.
he wants to stop the Praise, and Jesus said this, “That
He has perfected PRAISE in the mouths of children.” And,
and that was taken from Psalms chapter 8 I believe, 6 or 8,
and Jesus was quoting how the praise would stop the mouth of
the adversary.
He wants to speak to you. How many of us realize that the Holy
Spirit wants to speak to us all the time? But the adversary
wants to speak to us and stop us from trusting God, believing
God, those types of things, and he does that, and he has, opportunity
to do that in lives that will allow him to come in and bring
deception and, and those types of things to them.
one of the areas that will be the most attacked and most put
upon will be the area of praise and primarily those who lead
people to praise. So all these folks who are leading people
to praise on a regular basis. Carl and Sarita are very good
pastors in this area. They’re very good pastors. They
love all of you with all their heart. They, sacrifice for you
so I understand, that you know the determination of when somebody
really loves you they’re willing to sacrifice their time,
their effort, their riches on behalf of you. So I’m going
to ask you guys to do something for them. I’m going to
ask you to continue to pray in a loving way for them. Not by
witchcraft and manipulation and that type of thing which many
people pray under the influence of. But pray for them to have
eyes to see and ears to hear what it is that the Lord is saying
to the Body in the realm of PRAISE. And, Patty and I are going
to step up our prayer for them even more. We try to spend time
with them, and, and help them in the responsibility that they
have. They pastor this group of people as well as those who
are in the sound area. And so they pastor a pretty good segment
of the church. And they, have done it well for five years.They’ve
had difficulties. They’re growing and learning just as
Patty and I are growing and learning in shepherding people.
But, I want to pray over them this morning, this entire group.
Because I feel like there’s a move of the adversary at
this point to try to make you feel inferior to what you really
warriors. Some of you have been brought in, (laughs), kind of
without knowing that you were a warrior. But you’re learning
that you’re a warrior. And, you’re beginning to
develop as a warrior. Some of you have been in that for awhile.
But the intensity of the warfare is going to increase. You know
what that means for you? That means that there needs to be an
increase in you in the Word of God and prayer and in fellowship
with one another. So, today I’m going to pray over you
for that, okay?
in the Name of Jesus I thank you for these that you have called
in the realm of Praise. And Lord, right now we ask that the
eyes of their understanding be open, that their ears would be
attentive to the Spirit of the Living God, that they would have
discernment like they’ve never had it before, that they
would know when the adversary is coming because they know You
so well that when he comes they’ll recognize him right
away. And Father as you do that, we just thank You for the growth
and the stability and the ability to commit to the things of
the Kingdom will come forth greater in them. In Jesus’
Name. Thank you for it, Father. Thank you for it, Lord. Thank
you for it, Lord.
bless them, Father in their leadership abilities and the skills
that you have given them in instruments and such, Father, and
how they have a heart to see others utilize that which is inside
of them, Father, that they may not even know what they have
in them, but calling it forth in voices and instruments. Let
it come, Father. Greater understanding. Greater discernment.
In Jesus’ Name. Glory to God. Glory to God.
of knowledge and wisdom and understanding. By the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus’ Name. Thank you for it, Lord. Thank you for
it, my God. More of it, more of it, more of it, more of it,
as you develop leaders, Lord Jesus and those who will be able
to go forth in the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for it, my God. Thank you for skill coming forth,
Lord Jesus. Skill to be able to do. Skill to be able to increase.
Skill to be able to discern. Skill to be able to understand
the things of The Living God. Thank you for it, Father. As it
goes forth and it touches many nations, many individuals. Let
it come, Father, let it come. Let it come. All that’s
been withheld we release it today. We release it for the good
of the Body of Christ today. In the Name of Jesus. Thank you,
Lord. Thank you, Lord.