Exalt God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit through:
1. Praise, prayer, worshp and celebration of God's glory, holiness, truth, beauty and love.
2. Communion with Jesus Christ as the loving, powerful Savior, Lord and King.
3. Oneness and praise created by the presence of the Holy Spirit and expressed corporately through the Spirit's fruits and gifts.
Establish a caring community of believers through:

1. Encouraging an enviroment of love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

2. The development of warm, caring and supportive relationships.

3. Service and sacrifice to meet each other's needs.

Equip believers for effective ministry through:

1. Preaching and teaching that faithfully expounds the Word of God while relating to the issues of the day and the needs of the people.

2. Teaching, discovery, recognition, development and use of the gifts of the Spirit by each believer.

3. Ministry training and equipping believers to know Christ's will, to experience Christ's power and to do Christ's works.

Extend the Good News of Christ to the World through:

1. Outreach into the surrounding community that is imaginative, sensitive and compassionate using creative forms of evangelism and communication, proclaiming that people should repent, confess Christ, put their truth in God through Him, accept Him as Savior, and serve Him as their King in the fellowship of His church.

2. Concern for the whole person by ministering to emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs and bringing them to wholeness within our community.

3. Commitment to church planting and the revitalizing of the church throughout the world.



West Fork Christian Fellowship