West Fork Christian Fellowship exists to exalt God's Presence through worship, ministry, discipleship, and evangelism.
West Fork Christian Fellowship's desire is to help people who are in need, especially during difficult economic times.
To Receive Assistance: Contact the church at 513-481-5673. If no answer, please leave a message and someone will contact you as soon as possible. Attend any weekly church service (Sunday 10:00 AM and Thursday 7:00 PM) A Food Pantry Servant will assitst you at the end of the service.
Philippians 4:19...My God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
West Fork Christian Fellowship Servant Leader: Kim Molumby
All product and financial donations are welcome! Place your product donation in the box in the foyer. A financial donation can be placed in an envelope marked "Food Pantry" and placed in the offering bucket at any church service.
Product Items Needed for the WFCF Food Pantry Canned Tune, Chicken Tuna Helper Peanut Butter Ramen Noodles Cereal Canned Vegetables Canned Soup (Tomato, Chicken Noodle, Vegetable) Salad Dressing (Ranch, Italian, French, Thousand Island) Paper Items (Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Tissues) Pasta / Spaghetti Pasta Sauce Jelly Macaroni and Cheese Instant Oatmeal Canned Fruit
We cannot accept any of the following: Soda Specialty Items Canned or Bottled Beverages Condiments Outdated Items (Please check expiration date on all items)
Mark 14:7...You will always have poor people with you, and any time you want to, you can help them.