(Women of West Fork)
Where all women can be together for fun, fellowship, and faith-building.
Special Guest - Andrea Wagner
Saturday, June 25th 1:00 PM
See Celeste Elick for Details
Lower Level
Fellowship and Friendship with like-minded women of faith
If you need a ride to or from church, please let one of us know. We'd love to help.
Kim Burkhart 513-258-4554
Celeste Elick 513-598-9414
Kathy Gardner 513-598-4110
Jackie Risch 859-409-7491
Saturday, May 14th 9:00 - 3:00 Neighborhood Freecycle
Saturday, July 16 Soup Kitchen with Jackie
Saturday, August 6 Ice Cream Social / Plan A - with City Gospel / Plan B - Christian Movie (or make a craft)
Saturday, September 17 Soup Kitchen with Cindy / Kathy
Saturday, October 1st 12:30 PM Fall Potluck Lunch
General Mills Box Tops & Campbell's Soup Labels for New Creations
No WOW meeting in November / December (Holidays)
5636 West Fork Road | Cincinnati, OH 45247 | (513) 481-LORD (5673)