Special Services
40 Hours of Prayer and Praise


Impart a desire for perpetual radical praise of God, thus empowering the body of Christ to do the work of the ministry.
EXALT - God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Our goal is to worship God as a congregation with acts of praise. i.e., singing, playing musical instruments, dancing, clapping, raising hands, waiving of flags and banners, dramatic presentations and revelatory proclamation of the word of God. Approach praise musically from a blended format. By blended, we mean an inclusion of "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs." Psalms being songs that minister to the congregation. Hymns are songs that encourage congregational participation in praising God. Spiritual songs are songs that are spontaneously prophetic lyrically and / or musically. Within these biblical categories of musical praise, God is glorified and exalted.
ESTABLISH - A caring community of believers
Strive to assemble a group of believers, who are musicians and singers, that represent all demographics of the body of Christ, in regards to age, race, interests, etc. This is to be a source of encouragement to church body as well as each other. Walking in the unity of the spirit. Evoking the Spirit of God through acts of praise. Thus, establishing a place for God's presence to enthrone. Commission believers who are gifted in different areas of worship arts such as dance, drama, banners and scripture proclamation to prepare and present artistic worship to the congregation.
EQUIP - Believers for effective ministry

As a team, we help equip the church body by leading them into an awareness of the presence of the Holy Spirit through praise. We believe that the example of various demographics praising God will encourage individuals to engage in corporate worship. As we all enter into God's presence, we are renewed, refreshed and being changed into His image, thus being equipped.

Within the team, participants are being equipped in two major areas in regards to praise ministry. First, everyone is instructed in the area of executing the task they are assigned, whether it is singing, or playing a musical instrument. We stand by Psalm 33:3 - Sing unto the Lord a new song and play skillfully with a loud noise. Skillfully is a relative term, based on the level of ability an individual possesses. With that in mind, we define skillfully as giving God the very best you have to offer. To help the participants achieve a higher skill level, we strive to provide them with resources such as musical charts, audio examples of music to be learned, and hands-on instruction. Second, and very important, we take time and "Practice the presence of God". That is, we take time and begin to sing and play spontaneous praises. This allows us to learn as a group how to flow with the anointing of God.
The ultimate goal of equipping within the team is to train up leaders. We encourage those within the team who display leadership qualities to prepare for leadership by assigning responsibilities that challenge them without exceeding their abilities. The areas of responsibility consist of leading a section of vocalists within the choir, leading the congregation in a song of praise, and leading a team presentation in other areas of worship arts.
EXTEND - The Good News of Christ to the world
Sing memorial songs that proclaim the Good News of Christ. So those who hear will be confronted with the person of Jesus, not just during the service but the days and weeks following. Minister to musicians and artists in the region by embracing them with the love of Christ.