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Pastor Mike Welch "Grace" - 12/18/16
Jude Howard - Youth Sunday - 12/11/16
Albert Magnusen - "God Reveals to Redeem" - 12/04/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Careful and Prayerful" - 11/20/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Being in Him" - 11/13/16
Joanna Herndon "I Want a Baby" - 11/06/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Who Are You?" - 10/30/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Prayer" - 10/23/16
Pastor Henry Musana - 10/16/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Pray to Win - 10/09/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Pray to Win - 10/02/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Spirit to Spirit - 9/18/16
Kim Maloy "Sharing Your Story" - 9/11/16
Dan Maloy "Blasting Zone" - 9/04/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Spirit to Spirit" - 8/28/16
Kim Maloy "Tongue is a Fire" - 8/21/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Spirit to Spirit" - 8/14/16
Pastors Bobby & Martha Ruth Kirkley - Sunday Morning "Game Changers" - 8/07/16
Pastor Patty Welch "Treasures in Jars of Clay" - 7/31/16
Dan Maloy "Bridging the Gap" - 7/24/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Assembled & Assigned" - 7/17/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Spiritual Maturity" - 7/10/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Vision and Purpose" - 7/03/16
Pastor Mike Welch "You Are Revival" - 6/26/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Spiritual Training" - 6/19/16
Sarita Howard "The Way Up Is Down" - 6/12/16
Michael Price / Pastor Mike Welch "The Holy Spirit" - 6/05/16
Dan Maloy- "Armed With Praise" - 5/29/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "The Holy Spirit" - 5/22/16
Bill Otten - "Living Relationship Yielded to the Holy Spirit" - 5/15/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Giving in the Kingdom of God" - 5/08/16
Diana Shaum - "Hopelessness" - 4/24/16
Kim Maloy - "Peace and Rest" - 4/17/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Sanctification" - 4/10/16
Kimberly Maloy - "Who Do You Identify With" - 4/03/16
Pastor Mike Welch - Resurrection Sunday "Good News of the Gospel" - 3/27/16
Dr. Mike Brown - "Let Go and Let God" - 3/20/16
Pastor Mike Welch - Sunday Morning Service - 3/13/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "The Ozone" - 3/06/16
Blaine Bowman - "Kicking Over Sacred Cows" - 2/28/16
Pastor Mike Welch - Sunday Morning Service - 2/21/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Taking Your God Given Position" - 2/14/16
Daniel Maloy - Sunday Morning Service - 2/07/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Prayer (Benefits) - Part 3" - 1/31/16
Daniel Maloy - "Time of Exceleration" - 1/24/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Prayer (Great Expectations) - Part 2" - 1/17/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Prayer (Fasting) - Part 1" - 1/10/16
Bishop Tim Cummings - "Speak It Into Existence" - 1/03/16
Pastor Mike Welch - 12/22/16
Pastor Mike Welch - 11/17/16
Pastor Mike Welch "A Habitation for God" - 10/20/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Witchcraft" - 9/29/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Witchcraft" - 9/22/16
Dan Maloy "A Burden That Drives Us To Prayer" - 9/08/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Soul TiesTo This World" - 9/01/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Soul Ties in the Family" - 8/25/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Soul Ties" - 7/28/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Soul Ties" - 7/21/16
Carl Howard "Power" - 7/14/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Soul Ties" - 7/07/16
Pastor Mike Welch "Deliverance" - 6/30/16
Carl Howard "Making Disciples" - 6/23/16
Kim Molumby "Attitude of Gratitude" - 6/09/16
Pastor Mike Welch - Thursday Evening Development Class - 6/02/16
Diana Shaum "Yield to God" - 5/26/16
Pastor Mike Welch "End Time Deliverance Training" - 5/19/16
Pastor Mike Welch "End Time Deliverance Training" - 5/12/16
David Norton - Prophetic Words - 5/05/16
Sarita Howard - "Weapons of Our Warfare" - 4/21/16
Kim Molumby - "Adversity" - 4/14/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Discipline"- 4/07/16
Carl Howard - "Unity" - 3/31/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Power After Holy Spirit Has Come Upon You" - 3/24/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Dream On" - 3/03/16
Daniel Maloy - "Everything You Need is in the Glory" 2/18/16
Pastor Mike Welch - Thursday Evening Development Class - 2/04/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "21 Gifts of the New Testament" - 1/28/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "21 Gifts of the New Testament" - 1/21/16
Joey Heckel - "Shunamite Woman" - 1/14/16
Pastor Mike Welch - "Five Fold Ministry" - 1/07/16
Pastor Jeff Johns - "Fellowship and Prayer" - Saturday Afternoon10/08/16
Pastor Jeff Johns - "Honor One Another" - Saturday Morning 10/08/16
Pastor Jeff Johns - "The Power of Prayer / Church Family" - Friday Evening 10/07/16
Pastors Bobby & Martha Ruth Kirkley "Righteous Cry" - Saturday Evening 8/06/16
Pastors Bobby & Martha Ruth Kirkley "Bloodletting" - Saturday Morning 8/06/16
Bill Otten - "Imagination" - Sat., 5/14/16
Dr. Mike Brown - "Walking With the Holy Spirit" - Sat., 3/19/16
Dr. Mike Brown - "What the Enemy is Trying to Steal" - Fri., 3/18/16
5636 West Fork Road | Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 481-LORD (5673) | www.westforkcf.net