Our January 2011 trip to India was very successful in seeing hundreds of people receiving Jesus as their Lord and
also receiving the baptism of in the Holy Spirit.

In the months since that trip we have received testimonies of many
healing that occurred during the crusade. Our church in the area we held the crusade in has grown by 300 members
and is still growing. West Fork Christian Fellowship is an organizational covering for those churches and leaders.

Along with the increases in churches has come a need for effective leaders to Pastor and train workers for the harvest
of 1.4 billion souls in India. When we were there in January we discussed the possibility of starting a ministry training
center to help equip leaders for the work. The Lord said that the need for a school was eminent and that He would
send someone who would make that dream possible. We are honored and humbled to do this on behalf of our
Brothers and Sisters in India.

We have found curriculum we feel will accomplish the first 2 years of training. The curriculum is provided by International School of Ministry (ISOM). It contains 4 Trimesters of instruction in the
language of those in India where our school will be. All of the teachings are on video accompanied by notes and homework for each student.
God With Us School of Ministry is the name for our school in India.
Please keep us in prayer as we disciple and raise up pastors
all across the world.
5636 West Fork Road | Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 481-LORD (5673) | www.westforkcf.net