Schedule of Events
Youth Sunday - Sunday, April 8th
Potluck Fellowship Dinner - Thursday, April 19th - 7PM
Spring Work Day - Saturday, April 21st - 9AM
Bolivia Fund Raiser Bake Auction - Sunday, April 22nd After the Morning Service
Minister: Carl Howard - Sunday, April 29th
Department Head Meeting - Saturday, May 5th - 9AM
Diaper Drive Collection - Sunday, May 6th through Sunday, June 3rd
Corporate Communion - Sunday, May 13th
International Cafe - Served by Revolution Youth - Sunday, May 27th - Love Offering Taken - First Time Visitors Eat Free
"Evangelism" Teaching by Pastor Daniel Maloy - Sunday Mornings
"The Blood of Jesus" Weekly Discipleship Training Series - Thursdays Weekly 7PM (Pastor Mike)
Corporate Intercession Prayer -Weekly Thursday Evenings 6:00PM - 6:45PM - NEW DAY!
PRAYER REQUESTS - email address::
5636 West Fork Road | Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 481-LORD (5673) |