Mike Welch: Senior Pastor
Patty Welch: Co-Pastor / Prayer Ministry Director / Children's Ministry Director

Biography of Pastor Mike Welch
West Fork Christian Fellowship

Pastor Mike Welch has been a minister of the Gospel for 32 years. He was delivered from drug and alcohol addiction at the age of twenty-eight through a powerful encoutner with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Since the time of his conversion, Pastor Mike has sought to follow the Lord as closely as he can. He began ministry as an evangelist, sharing the good news in the work place, in jails and in churches. Before long, he began to travel to other nations under the direction of the Holy Spirit. In 1993, on his return from the island of Jamaica, he felt the call of God to move to that nation and oversee a network of churches that had been established. So for close to three years, he, his wife Patty, and daughter Rachel lived and ministered there. Upon their return to the U.S., they reestablished themselves in Indiana to work in their home church overseeing missions, small groups and leading mission teams on short term outreaches. In the years since that time Pastor Mike has traveled to 17 nations. He oversees God With Us Ministries, (the international ministry arm of West fork Christian Fellowship) which includes the work of 64 churches, a Bible training center adn an orphanage with 72 children in India. This ministry has birthed 8 Bible training centers in Bolivia, South America.
In 2003, Pastor Mike was asked to step in as Interim Pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship in Cincinnati, Ohio. After several months as Interim Pastor, the Holy Spirit encouraged Pastor Mike and Sister Patty to speak to a Pastoral Search Committee and see if they would be interested in establishing a new work out of the old work and birthing West Fork Christian Fellowship with Pastor Mike as the Senior Pastor and Sister Patty as co-Pastor. After a time of prayer and seeking the Lord it was decided that this was the will of God, so in July of 2004 West Fork Christian Fellowship was birthed.
WFCF reflects Pastor Mike and Patty's commitment to developing healthy relationships in the body as well as a strong apostolic desire for the nations. He believes that the church has an absolute responsibility to equip every believer for the work of the ministry through the Ephesians 4 ministry model. Pastor Mike exhibits a father's heart and has a tremendous desire to see the lost redeemed and prodigals restored.
Pastor Mike and Sister Patty have been married for 42 years and have two children, Michael Jr. and Rachel, and three grandchildren, Nathaniel, Abigail and Joy.

Pastor Daniel Maloy and Pastor Kimberly Maloy: Youth Ministry

Pastor Carl Howard: Worship Arts Ministry - Sarita Howard

Rachel Bosket: Office Administrator / Children's Ministry Director / Young Singles Director /
Jason Bosket: Social Media Director / Video and Live Feed Director

Diana Shaum: Intercessor Coordinator

Don Duba: Usher Director / Men's Ministry

Jackie Risch: Kitchen Coordinator / Corporate Communion

Carolee Grigsby: Greeter Ministry Director

Kim Molumby: Food Pantry Director
5636 West Fork Road | Cincinnati, OH 45247
(513) 481-LORD (5673) | www.westforkcf.net